
MifoBio 2018

Andor Technology, a world leader in scientific imaging, and microscopy systems along with Bitplane AG, the world leader in 3D/4D visualization and analysis software, will be hosting workshops at the 2018 MifoBio in France from 5-12 October 2018.

For the last fifteen years, biological imagery has been profoundly transformed thanks to the work of a large interdisciplinary community (physicists, chemists, biologists, instrumentalists, computer scientists, mathematicians and physicians) which is at the same time a carrier of fundamental research at the interface between photon / living matter and creator of new analytical tools, in touch with biological questions. Imaging developments are becoming more and more resolutive and rapid, weakly invasive and adaptable to molecular study in living organisms. They require recurrent knowledge transfer within the community, training the younger generations in this interface in the plurality of its components, while promoting the integration of new skills, especially in the field of analysis, data management and modeling. These are the objectives of the "Mifobio" school!

The school MiFoBio offers a set of courses, table-rounds and practical workshops quite unique. In addition to high-value speakers, MiFoBio benefits from an exceptional instrumental park supporting a series of workshops led by the participants themselves. More than 90 different workshops will  concern the most advanced technologies of the field (ultra-high resolution, light sheet, adaptive optics, nonlinear optics, correlative microscopy). It's about setting up a  real interdisciplinary temporary laboratory, which offers participants a complete vision that goes from the biological question to the exploitation of the image passing obviously by the instrument, and going up to the modeling and the automated analysis. This approach is done at all levels, and declines according to the profession or project of each participant, just like in a permanent laboratory.


Seignosse, France


Andor, Imaris