Shanghai, China
Analytica China

Welcome to our Analytica China Page!

We're looking forward to meeting you at Analytica and discussing your current work with you. We will be promoting our range of benchtop NMR instruments including Pulsar, our high resolution cryogen-free benchtop NMR spectrometer, the MQC+ range of benchtop analysers for QC measurements and MQR, a high performance TD-NMR research system.

Please register your interest by completing the form below.

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Shanghai, China


31st October - 2nd November


Magnetic Resonance


Pulsar is a high resolution, 60MHz benchtop NMR spectrometer, providing high quality 1-D and 2-D NMR spectra of 1H, 19F, 13C and 31P.

Learn more


The MQC+ benchtop NMR analyser measures oil, water, fluorine and solid fat in a variety of samples and is typically used for quality assurance and quality control. 

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