
16th MCM 2022

Join us at the 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy

Join Oxford Instruments at the 16th MCM which will take place between the September 4th-9th 2022 in Brno, in the Czech Republic.

The 16th MCM will be a key microscopic event in the Central European region bringing together leading academic scientists, researchers, students and the commercial sphere from across Europe, to exchange and share experiences and research results on all aspects of microscopy.

The 16th MCM in Brno will offer an excellent opportunity to present new scientific results, ideas and products in all fields of microscopy.


Brno Czech Republic

Booth Number: Booth 27


September 04-09, 2022


NanoAnalysis, WITec | Raman, Asylum Research

Oxford Instruments Material Analysis Solutions

Oxford Instruments will be there to present its latest product innovations. Stop by our booth 27 from 4th & 9th September and have a chat with our experts!

Our innovative expertise and key-enabling technologies will empower you to accelerate your R&D or increase your productivity.

Analytics for Electron Microscopes, NanoAnalysis

Our products are designed to give our customers certainty about the properties of the materials they develop, the devices they manufacture, the quality they need to control and the biological processes they need to understand. Supported by our AZtec software platform, our EDS detectors give you accurate compositional analysis in real time, while our WDS quantifies minor and trace elements with unmatched speed and flexibility. 

For microstructural detail, the new Symmetry S3 EBSD detectors give unrivalled acquisition speeds, pattern resolution and sensitivity. The resulting certainty allows you to innovate with confidence and redefine the Art of the Possible.

Atomic Force Microscopy, Asylum Research 

Asylum Research is the technology leader in atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our Cypher AFMs routinely achieve higher resolution than other AFMs and are available with a full range of operating modes, environmental controls, and even video-rate scanning. Our Jupiter AFM is the highest-performance large-sample AFM, delivering ultra-high resolution and fast scanning on samples up to 200 mm diameter. Asylum Research offers the best AFMs for both academic research and industrial R&D, enabling cutting-edge work in fields spanning biology, 2D materials, polymer science, semiconductors, and more.

Raman, AFM, SNOM, Raman-SEM (RISE), WITec

WITec produces industry-leading microscopes for Raman, AFM, SNOM, Raman-SEM (RISE) and Raman-based particle analysis. Since introducing Raman imaging to the marketplace, WITec has continued to advance the technique and redefine the state-of-the-art in speed, sensitivity and resolution.

All WITec instruments are inherently modular, upgradeable, and capable of being motorized. Extensive sample handling and environmental control options are available for applications in materials science, pharmaceutical research, life science, geoscience, food science, forensics, archaeology and many other areas.